Skin infections can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Symptoms may vary from redness, swelling, vesicles,itching, and pus-filled blisters. Treatment varies depending on the type, severity and duration of the infection.
Pigmentary disorders can be hyperpigmentary disorders like melasma, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, Riehl’s Melanosis etc or may be hypopigmentary disorders namely Vitiligo, P.Alba etc. Melasma results in brown or gray-brown patches, typically on the face, and is often triggered by sun exposure and hormonal changes. Vitiligo causes loss of skin color in patches due to the destruction of melanocytes resulting in depigmentated patches.
Pediatric dermatology addresses various skin conditions that affects children, including birthmarks, eczema, warts, and infections. Treatment focuses on gentle and effective solutions tailored to children's sensitive skin.
It can range from alopecia that is loss of hair which can be localised or diffuse, fungal infection of hairs, androgenic alopecia etc.Treatments may involve topical solutions, oral medications, or procedures to restore hair health.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition having accelerated skin cell growth, leading to thick, red, scaly patches. It can occur anywhere on the body and is often managed with topical treatments, phototherapy, and systemic medications .Sometimes associated with joint painl and can be a part of metabolic syndrome
Seborrhea, or seborrheic dermatitis, causes red, scaly, itchy scalp sometimes severe enough to involve hairs of eyebrows,beard and chest.Management usually involves topical treatments, oral medications, and lifestyle modification.
Nail health is vital for overall hygiene and aesthetics. Common issues include fungal infections, brittle nails, and discoloration. Treatments involve antifungal solutions, topical creams, and proper grooming. A balanced diet and regular nail care maintain strong, healthy nails.